Wk ending 13th Dec

This week we have been revisiting our sounds ‘g’ and ‘l’.  We have also been making CVC words.

In numeracy, we have been learning how to use the Rekenreks to help us add numbers together.

Jessica helped make new playdough for the class and they loved making winter cookies.

We had a lovely walk on Tuesday wearing our Christmas and Winter hats.


Homework Week 4: Writing

This week’s homework task is story writing.

At the beginning of Primary 1 we have been focusing on adding details to our drawings in order to tell a story.  We have focused on facial features (eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, chin) as well as ears, hair, neck and body.  We then concentrated on what our arms and fingers would be doing then focused on our legs and feet.

Now that we are learning our sounds we are beginning to use these to make words and sentences focusing on letter formation, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

The homework task this week involves pupils drawing a detailed picture for the story, ‘I am building bricks’.  Pupils should focus on all the details above as well as including their building blocks in the picture.

Some pupils may want to copy the sentence.

I look forward to seeing all the super drawings.