Wk ending 25th Oct

What a busy week we have had to start the term! This week we have been learning the ‘p’ and ‘n’ sound. We have been working hard to learn how to form the letters correctly.  We have also been playing with pirates, painting pumpkins, creating patchwork pattern elephants (thanks for the book Jessica!), building palaces, painting nails, building nests, making nice necklaces and reading the newspaper!

In maths we have been learning numbers to 20.

We started our new topic ‘Owl Babies’ and collected twigs on our walk to make nests and other animal houses.


Primary 6 came with us to PE to help with our ball skills. They were so helpful and showed us how to get better with our skills.

We have started looking at information handling today in maths and found lots of different ways of sorting using a range of criteria.

We ended the week with some relaxing yoga.  Can you guess which pose was Mrs Schendel’s favourite?

Wk ending 11th October

We have had such a busy last week of term 1!

In literacy we have been learning ‘s’ and ‘i’.  We have been learning how to say the sound properly and write it on our boards and jotters.  We’ve also had great fun playing with salt, making spiral snakes, igloos and invitiations!

In numeracy, we have been learning how to use Rekenreks and 10 frames to help us recognise numbers.  We played a great game using the spinners and 10 frames.

We made amazing rainbow cloud names that will make a beautiful display…

And not forgetting our fantastic party for reaching 1000 Dojo Points!

What a fantastic first term in Primary One and we hope everyone has a lovely October holiday!


Wk ending 4th October

This week in numeracy, we have been consolidating numbers 0-10.  We are learning how to subitise (know an amount without counting) and order numbers on a numberline.

In literacy, we have been learning our first two sounds, ‘a’ and ‘t’.  We have been working hard to form them correctly in our writing.  We also had great fun using the chairs, blocks and money to build a train with tickets.

We went a number hunt this week on our walk and found lots of numbers around the village.  Reuben spotted a number pattern in the even street numbers and could count backwards in 2s.  Well done Reuben!

We were learning about the police during our People Who Help Us topic this week.  We had great fun using the magnifying glasses and Incident Forms to record the crimes!

And look at our fantastic firefighter handprint artwork.  It has made a lovely display outside the classroom.