At Patna, we want pupils to be able to access their learning at school or at home. If a pupil is self-isolating there are a variety of ways to stay connected and continue learning. We make use of digital technologies to keep connected to everyone.
Whole School
- Learning Journals for every pupil (Parent/Carer Communication)
- SumDog subscription (Numeracy)
- BugClub (Reading)
- Giglets (Reading)
- E-Sogil (Learning Resources)
- Homework uploaded to Learning Journals
- Read, Write, Inc Home Learning Packs
Middle School
- Homework uploaded to Teams
Upper School
- Homework uploaded to Teams
- Daily Literacy and Numeracy tasks uploaded to Teams
Each class teacher also utilise a variety of different learning games/websites for pupils on their iPads for in school and at home use.
Please click below to read Patna’s Remote Learning Statement.