School’s Out For Summer!

Hi everyone,

I thought I would sneak on and write our final blog post for the year.  It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all this year and I feel very lucky to have had you as my first ever class!

It has been a very busy last week of term. (In fact it has been a busy year!) We have had bump up day, sports day, swimming at the outdoor pool, prize giving, and the water fight!

I haven’t managed to get photos of much of it but I did get these photos of you all next to the bits of string we used to measure ourselves in the first week of P6/7.  Look how much you have all grown! (Chanel,  you weren’t here when we hid our time capsule but I’m sure you’re a lot taller than you were a year ago).

You have all grown in height, but even more importantly you’ve all grown so much in maturity, ability, and confidence. Keep being the awesome young people you are and I can’t wait to hear how you’re all doing.

Have a fantastic summer!

love from Mrs Connelly


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