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Currently Reading…

We have been reading ‘The Enchanted Wood’ by Enid Blyton in class and the children are really enjoying it.  It is such a magical story.    Please ask your child about the main events of the story and the characters we have met so far.

I would really appreciate it this year if when we are focusing on a novel in class that children don’t also buy it to read at home at the same time.  The reason being we do a lot of prediction and literacy skills alongside the book in class and it can make it difficult if children have read on ahead.

I encourage reading at home as much as possible so if your child is really enjoying the book and would like to read more at home I suggest finding other books by the same author.

Happy reading!


Hi everyone and welcome to Primary 4B’s class blog.  Visit often to see what we have been learning about in school.

We have P.E. with Mr Smith on a Wednesday and with Miss Caldow on either a Thursday or a Friday (weather dependant).

Please can children bring an outdoor jacket and shoes everyday as we will be outside more regularly due to the current situation.  I would also suggest keeping a spare pair of socks or tights in their bag in case their feet get wet during the day.

Currently we have to keep windows open all day so the classroom is chillier than usual. Please make sure your child has a jumper or cardigan with them everyday.

Thank you

Miss Caldow