All posts by eaheather.griffiths@glow

Homework – Monday 1st March

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

We will be looking at the joined phoneme ‘igh’ this week. Children can practise making their words with this sound using their magnetic letters and boards.

World Book Day – Don’t forget to dress up as your favourite character from a book on Thursday!

 Common words                                     Sound words


Children should try to read, write and spell these common words. Can you please encourage your child to write two sentences containing two of the common words.


There is a Sumdog competition running from Friday 26th February until Thursday 4th March for your child to take part in. I will be looking in Sumdog to see how you are all getting on. Good luck!

PE Days

Just a little update on our PE days. PE will take place on a Wednesday and Friday. Due to the current situation PE will take place outside – weather permitting. No change of clothes are needed but if you wish to send a change of outdoor shoe please feel free to do so.

Monday 22nd February

What a great day I’ve had! 🙂 Well done to all the boys and girls today, they were super! I think there will be a few tired people now? It has been so lovely to see everyone and we were blessed with the sun shining down on us too!

I have allocated a book on Bug Club for homework and remember to check you don’t have any other books still to finish off.

There is a Gargie Bake off this week. All details can be found on the main school blog. Have fun baking and earning points for your house!


Thursday 18th February

Hello everyone! 👋 I hope that you’ve all had a lovely extended break.😊 Post in the comments if you can to tell me what you’ve been up to.
I have been very busy with meetings these past few days, getting everything organised for our return on Monday. How exciting, can’t wait to see you all!🥰  Poppy managed to get a haircut! Wished it was me though! She’s not impressed as I asked for her to be cut short!😂

Today all your activities have been organised by the house captains for our Screen Free Week📵. Please go onto the main school blog to find the grid of activities for you. The Forms you need to fill in to have your house points added can be found there too. Have fun!☺️

VScene 📞

How lovely it was to see a lot of you this morning on our call! I hope you enjoyed it.😁

I am so sorry for all the technical issues we had and for not being able to see or hear from some of you! I feel so bad about that and I’m so sorry if you were missed.😔

I’m so looking forward to seeing you all in person on the 22nd!

Have a lovely little break everyone and I hope the weather stays nice and sunny.🌞

Friday 12th February

Good morning!😊

💻📱It’s the day of our VScene catch up and I’m so looking forward to seeing you all! Don’t forget it’s at 11am and remember to bring something you’ve done this week that you’re proud of.😍

I’m in at school today so will try to answer anything as soon as I can.

Remember this is our last wee day of home learning for a few days as it’s a holiday next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.😉

❗️Check out the blog for all the exciting activities your Vice Captains have planned for you to do next week. I can’t wait to see the photographs!❗️

Have a fantastic Friday and hope to see you all soon. 👍xxx

Thursday 11th February

Good morning everyone,❤️💙I hope you’re all well? Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow! I was looking at this photograph earlier and thought that it seemed such a long time ago!

It’s freezing today🥶🥶 so make sure you wrap up nice and warm if you are heading out to play. We had fun sliding on puddles that had frozen over with ice yesterday. ⛸⛸Thankfully I didn’t fall!😁

Think we’ll have nice cosy afternoon watching a film. We’re not sure whether to watch The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe or Trolls 2. What do you think we should watch or have you watched something good recently that would be better? Post in the comments if you can.

Have a great day.xx


Wednesday 10th February

Hello boys and girls!👋

I wonder if you will be any snow today? We had a small flutter of snow yesterday afternoon and it’s the same this morning.❄️
Why don’t you try to make a warm, snug little den today for you to read or play in?🧸📚 ⛺️

Work hard today and have a wonderful Wednesday.😊xx