All posts by eaheather.griffiths@glow

Homework week beg 26th April 2021


Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

We will be looking at the split phoneme o-e this week.

Children can practise making their words with this sound using their magnetic letters and boards.

Sound words                 Common words

rope                                          home

stole                                          more

awoke                                      school

hope                                          Mrs.


Children should read, write and spell these common words. Can you please encourage your child to write two sentences containing two of the common words.

The Sumdog competition is still running for this weeks number work. Good luck everyone! 🙂

Homework Week Beg 19th April

Welcome back to school after the Easter break.

I hope you all had a lovely time and made the best of the dry sunny weather. It was really nice to finish the holiday with restrictions being lifted slightly so we could visit or catch up with friends outside.


Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

We will be looking at the split phoneme i-e this week.

Children can practise making their words with this sound using their magnetic letters and boards.

Common words          Sound words

five                                       side

time                                     white

life                                         smile

line                                        hide


Children should read, write and spell these common words. Can you please encourage your child to write two sentences containing two of the common words.


We will be looking at time over the next few weeks, so it might be good to have a go at telling the time focusing on o’clock and half past.

Homework week Beg 29th March

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

Please continue to revise sounds and words from this term.


Primary 2 are learning to carry when adding tens and units and working on position and movement.

Homework Week Beg 22nd March

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

Please continue to revise sounds and words from this term.

Short Talk

Please could you continue to help your child to prepare a short talk for their class about their favourite author. They will have 2 weeks to prepare and we will listen to them throughout the week beginning 29th March. We look forward to hearing them!

Short Talk – favourite author


Primary 2 have been learning about halves and quarters.

Some quick fire questions on number bonds:

Homework week Beg 15th March 2021

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

Primary 2 will be revising the ‘ow’, ‘ou’, ‘igh’ and ‘y’ phonemes, as well as the common words.

Short Talk

Please could you help your child to prepare a short talk for their class about their favourite author. They will have 2 weeks to prepare and we will listen to them throughout the week beginning 29th March. We look forward to hearing them!

Short Talk – favourite author


Primary 2 have been learning about halves and quarters.

Some quick fire questions on number bonds:

🔴Red Nose Day 🔴

Don’t forget to dress up on Friday if you can! The theme that has been chosen is Rockstars!

Homework 8th March 2021

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

We will be looking at the phoneme ‘y’ this week. Children can practise making their words with this sound using their magnetic letters and boards.

 Common words                                          Sound words


Children should try to read, write and spell these common words. Can you please encourage your child to write two sentences containing two of the common words.


You will find a Clam Collector game on BugClub for your child to play. This game will help support counting in 2’s and 5’s. Can you also play either Balloon Pop or Starfish Strike for addition and subtraction calculations. Enjoy!