All posts by eaheather.griffiths@glow

Homework week beg 23rd Nov

Children will come home today with a Read, Write and Count bag from the Scottish Trust. Enjoy reading the stories and playing some of the games. 🙂


Please continue to learn your lines for our nativity. I hope to film this on Friday.

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

Primary 2 are learning the ‘ue’ sound this week, like blue and glue. Children can practise making words with these sounds using their magnetic letters and boards. I have also put put below the common words which we will be working on in class. Children should try to read, write and spell these.

Can you please support your child writing two or more sentences using the common words.


Please click the link below and this will direct you to some fun games for addition and subtraction. We are working on subtraction just now in class, it could be useful to give your children some subtraction sums for them to work on. I have issued some more magnetic numbers today.

Common words





Have a great week!

Homework week beg 16th November

Children have been allocated a book on Bug Club. Please try to read your book more than once as this will help increase fluency and understanding. Once initially completed the book will go into your child’s library to read again.

This is a consolidation week for the class. Therefore, we will be looking at the joined phonemes ‘ow’, ‘ea’ and ‘ay’ this week. Children can practise making their words with these sounds using their magnetic letters and boards. Children should try to read, write and spell these.

Children will also be given some lines for our Nativity. Could you please go over your child’s highlighted lines to practice.


Sumdog- Please log onto Sumdog and take part in the East Ayrshire competition. Good luck!

PE days

Primary 2A will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. As we are outside for PE (weather permitting) the children will not require a PE kit. Should you wish for your child to change their shoes for PE then please put a change of shoes in their bag on these days. Unfortunately we are not permitted to store any belongings in class so they will have to keep them in their school bag.


Sorry, just to update that the photographs I have posted/trying to post are not showing on our Blog just now. I have been in touch with someone from GLOW and they are currently working on it. I hope that it will be fixed soon so that I can share more photographs with you.