Happy new year disney clipart

Good morning boys and girls – Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas together and have had lots of fun under the strange times. We have had some icy cold weather which I hope you have had the chance to go out and enjoy.

Can you tell me about one thing you have enjoyed over the Christmas holidays? (response can be posted in the comments)

Term 2 is beginning a little different than we thought it would be. I hoped I would be welcoming you back into the classroom to hear all about your Christmas holidays but our start this term is going to be a little different. For the next 3 weeks we are returning to online learning.

On a Monday I will post your learning for the week and you can work through the core tasks at your own pace throughout the week. There will be additional tasks that you can complete if you wish to but I would ask that you complete core tasks first please. You can e-mail myself copies of your work once a week for me to see when it is suitable for you. I look forward to seeing your work you do at home to let me see how you are getting on.

Documents you will require for learning are below:

Learning wb Jan 11th

Upper and Lower case letter formation PowerPoint

Letter Formations

story board

au worksheet

Tartan PowerPoint

Design your own Tartan Colouring Sheets

length table

My Wee Doggie Poem

Over the next 3 weeks I will be in school on certain days so will be unavailable online during the day. I will check in after school until 4pm with any queries. The dates which I will be in school are as follows:

Friday 15th January                        Monday 18th January

Tuesday 19th January                    Wednesday 27th January

Thursday 28th January

I understand this will be a lot of information but let me reassure you we are in this together and will get through it together. I hope we will all be back in our classroom together soon but until then I am here to provide support and as high quality learning as I can for your child.

My e-mail to contact me on is: eanicola.kelly@glow.sch.uk

Please only e-mail once per week with 3-5 pieces of your work at a time convenient to you. Also, if you have any worries or concerns then don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail.

Miss Kelly