P2 Health and Wellbeing

Good morning P2

Just a check in to see how you are.

I hope you and your family are keeping well during this lockdown.

Yesterday was a bit of a miserable day but hopefully you managed to get outside even if you had to wrap up to keep dry.

Let me know what your favourite present from Santa was in the comments.

Take care

Miss Kelly 🙂

10 thoughts on “P2 Health and Wellbeing”

    1. Hi Bella 🙂 Wow! A nail polish machine I love the sound of that. As you know I love having my nails painted. I hope your having fun playing with it and take your time painting nails. Miss Kelly 😀

      1. Hello Ben it is great to hear from you 🙂 Wow this sounds like a fantastic present. I hope you have had lots of chances to wear it. I wish you and your family well in this time. Miss Kelly 😀

    1. Hi Bartek it is lovely to hear from you! Oh I bet this was your favourite I know how much you like your Lego games. I hope you are doing wel. Miss Kelly 🙂

    1. Hi Sophie, Wow a new bike this sounds great and you can get out for fresh air plenty. I loved baby born when I was a little so I think that would have been my favourite present too.:)

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