All posts by eakirsty.mconnell@glow

Get off your screens week

Next week is “Get off your Screens Week”.

There is a post on the main school blog with a video from each house, an activity grid and a microsoft forms. No work will be posted next week from myself. The deadline for completing tasks is Sunday 21st at 7pm.

Please upload work on the microsoft forms and not via email to myself as the house captains have a system all set up and organised.

Have lots of fun! 🙂

Good Morning

Hello boys and girls

Happy Friday!!

There is lots to celebrate today…

1 It is Friday and almost the weekend.

2. You have a holiday next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

3. Home schooling will be a bit different next Thursday and Friday as we are planning something a bit different for you.

4. We can return to school on Monday 22nd February.

Please note that any emails received after 3.30pm today will be picked up at some point during the day on Tuesday as Monday is a holiday.

Have a lovely holiday everyone.