Author Archives: Mr McNichol

Reading Skills – Metalinguistics

As part of our Literacy work, P7Mc have been working at improving their skills for working out what new words mean (metalinguistics) when reading new texts.    We are finding that we can use different strategies such as reading on and back, partner or teacher discussions, replacing new words with words we already know and think may mean the same, then checking if it changes the meaning of the sentence.    We now only check the meaning in a dictionary as a last resort. We are currently doing this in pairs as we build up our confidence to doing it independently.  We are finding this strategy really useful as we read lots of different entries from Anne Frank’s diary as part of out topic work   

Dyslexia Awareness Week

As part of our work on raising awareness of Dyslexia in the school, P7Mc have been making good use of their Learning Toolkits to reinforce their work on spelling rules and patterns.   The pictures show members of the class showing some of the different activities they regularly participate in as part of their learning.  Some of favourites include Speed Spelling,  using Scrabble tiles, Play-doh and rainbow writing with chalk.  

Division with Tarsia Puzzles

As part of our work on division we have been working on using our skills to solve a variety of Tarsia Puzzles depending on our groups.  We have had to make sure we match our calculations to the correct answers.  This isn’t as easy as it seems because at the same time when all of the pieces are correctly placed we should up with a particular shape which could be a rhombus or an equilateral triangle.  Some of us have managed to complete them but we don’t want to put up the finished ones as you never know who may be looking…

The Solar System – Problem Solving

As part of our work on the Solar System, P7Mc have been working on creating scale diagram using a problem solving approach.  They had to draw on their previous learning about circles when working with diameters and use their measuring skills to carefully position their planets in relation to the Sun.  Decision making and teamwork were the most inportant skills needed today and as you can see, everyone made a success of their diagrams. 

Positive Choices Week

Designing Fitness Games for Primary 1

As part of Positive Choices Week, P7B/M have been working in teams of four to create games that are not only fun but promote getting fit.  All week they have been designing and then testing their ideas to see what would make an ideal fitness game.  Today they worked with a buddy class to give their games the ultimate test and let Primary 1 loose on their ideas.  Each team got to work with 3 different teams of Primary 1 children and the feedback they received they took on board to adapt their ideas as they went along.  Well done to everyone involved and a big thanks to P1 for being our guinea pigs today. 

Digital Learning Week

As part of Digital Learning Week, P7B/M have had a go at programming.  Using an on-line coding application (  they built up their confidence and skills by creating a series of commands for their Sprite to follow.  They were able to add sounds, directional control and specific actions to their on-line characters.


They then went on to use what they had learnt to create their own games which they then used to challenge other members of the class.