Monthly Archives: May 2019

Positive Choices Week

Designing Fitness Games for Primary 1

As part of Positive Choices Week, P7B/M have been working in teams of four to create games that are not only fun but promote getting fit.  All week they have been designing and then testing their ideas to see what would make an ideal fitness game.  Today they worked with a buddy class to give their games the ultimate test and let Primary 1 loose on their ideas.  Each team got to work with 3 different teams of Primary 1 children and the feedback they received they took on board to adapt their ideas as they went along.  Well done to everyone involved and a big thanks to P1 for being our guinea pigs today. 

Digital Learning Week

As part of Digital Learning Week, P7B/M have had a go at programming.  Using an on-line coding application (  they built up their confidence and skills by creating a series of commands for their Sprite to follow.  They were able to add sounds, directional control and specific actions to their on-line characters.


They then went on to use what they had learnt to create their own games which they then used to challenge other members of the class.