Just to let you all know we now have Early and First Level Tabs for Literacy like we do for Numeracy. But remember to keep challenging yourself. Your child’s level can be found on their report card.
Just to let you all know we now have Early and First Level Tabs for Literacy like we do for Numeracy. But remember to keep challenging yourself. Your child’s level can be found on their report card.
Hi, is it possible to have the literacy pages added as links rather than photographs please? The An or A sheets are difficult to print as I need to take a screen shot then edit the picture to fit the page. It comes out a bit blurry. The math stuff is much easier as I can download the file then print it.
Just a thought.
Thanks for all the information, this past few weeks has been much easier with the structured work each day coming in the morning to help plan out what we are doing. And can fit around my own work tasks too!. Stay safe and well everyone.
Thanks again, Elaine
Where possible I will upload files however with this particular set of worksheets the website only allowed the full set to be added. This would have been confusing as it wasn’t all relevant to today’s learning intentions.
That would be great, thank you.