All posts by ealesley.williams@glow

P3 – What was it like to grow up in the 1990’s?

This term all stages in the school will be studying a different era as part of our school 60th birthday celebrations.
P3 will be learning about what it was like to grow up in the 1990s. Mrs Nelson, Mrs Williams, Mrs Kilpatrick, Mrs Carten and Mrs Smith will share their own experiences about life in the 90’s! Who do you think remembers the most? 😉
We will be learning some dances from the 90’s, looking at fashion, films, toys from this era and also researching some of the main events which took place.
Pupils can carry out their own research at home by asking family members to share memories as well as using the internet and books.
We hope to have lots of fun this term and we will share photos along the way. Keep posted by checking the P3 page on the blog.