All posts by eakirsty.mccall@glow

Thank You Baked Potato

Happy Monday boys , girls and squirrels! We hope that you had a lovely Friday holiday and that you got the chance to watch some of the VE day celebrations on the television. It was amazing to see the country say thank you to the heroes from 75 years ago and it brought home to us how important it is to continue to appreciate the work being done today by key workers.  We must also thank all of you amazing children at home. You are working incredibly hard on your school work and we know  you are continuing to wash your hands and stay away from other people. 

Oh wait … we forgot to say thank you to Baked Potato ! We better do that now! Sing along if you want, the lyrics are easy to learn.

Keep safe,


Link to Teams 28.4.20

At the side of this post you will notice that 4 tiles have appeared. Each class has a tile and if you click on your tile it will take you directly to your class Teams page. Why don’t you have a shot just now to see if it works? Say hi on Teams and see if you get a message back from your teacher!

This is what your class tile looks like . Have fun !


Please Keep In Contact

Keep in Contact                                                                     1/4/20

Please remember the P3 teachers are available to email if you have any concerns or you just want to share something good that you have done at home. No question is too silly so please spread the word that we are here for you! Thank you to the parents who have already emailed us. The emails really help us to get a feel of what some people are needing during this crisis so that’s all good!

We can also be contacted via Microsoft Teams. Your child has been added to a class team and they can communicate with us that way. There is a previous post on this page as to  how to access Glow with your child’s password and once you are on Glow you can find the Teams tile. You can also download a Teams App on your mobile phone. Thank you to the children and parents who have been accessing Teams. 

We are genuinely missing all of the children in our care and receiving a message from them actually makes our day! Please spread the word!

Team P3 XXX




Happy Easter

Easter Activities                                                                      31.3.20

The Easter holidays are fast approaching so we thought it might be a good idea to suggest some fun activities for the children to do to keep them busy. We are going to post the activities on our “Just For Fun” section. Please remember that these activities are purely optional so have a browse and choose your favourites!

Have fun! 


Important Home School Message


Please remember to take your time to set up your home school. There is no rush to do everything and it is more important for your mental health  to be as stress free as possible during this crisis. Stressed adults cannot teach stressed children so it is vital that you ease yourself in to your home school situation. We do not want you to feel bombarded so please select what you feel you can to do. Every family set up will be different so please don’t  compare your child or family to another, what works for them may not work for you. We genuinely don’t want to give anyone extra stress! We will be continuing to upload ideas and activities so take your pick!

If you need to contact us by email don’t hesitate. Nothing is too silly a question!

Love to all of our wee friends!

The P3 Teachers xxx

New Tabs On P3 Page

Good morning,

To make the P3 site more user friendly we have decided to  create extra tabs at the top of  our main page. You will also see that we have  tabs for different curricular areas. If you look at numeracy  you will notice we have one for early level numeracy and one for first level numeracy, this is  to differentiate work for  pupils. If the first level numeracy becomes too difficult for your child at any stage over the following weeks you can dip in to the early level tab and please try not to worry too much as children all learn at different rates. If your child does not complete everything please do not worry either. You probably will already know which level your child works on but if you need clarification please do not hesitate to email us. Details of levels can also be found on the report cards.

We understand how overwhelming this all is for the  parents / carers who are  trying to work from home  themselves and keep the kids busy in a productive way . We don’t want to swamp you with too much to take in so will continue to build up the information in as gently a way as we can think of.

We hope you are all safe and well.

The P3 Teachers


P3 Staff Email Addresses

If you need to contact your child’s teacher over the coming weeks please use the email address below. Please note that  Mrs Smith will be on maternity leave as of   3.4.20    however any of the other staff will be happy to answer any query after that. Thank you for your continued support.