⭐️School Registration⭐️
Primary 1 School Registration begins today online (please see the link below ⬇️) for those children eligible to start in August 2023.
Children who are five years of age between 1 March 2023 and 29 February 2024, and whose parents wish them to attend school, should be registered for education during the week commencing Monday 9 January 2023 until Friday 13 January 2023.
You will require to have a Customer Account to complete your online School enrolment/Primary 1 registration form.
To complete the online registration you will require to upload:
A copy of your child’s birth certificate
two proofs of your residency within the catchment area, for example, Council Tax Notice and utility bill.
Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for registration, this can be obtained at Certificates.Scot.
You must register your child in only one school, either the denominational or non-denominational school for your catchment area.
If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.