🔴Can we please ask that if your child requires to have their nappy changed that you please provide nappies & wipes within your child’s bag along with a change of clothes.
🟡Unfortunately we do not have the resources available to be able to provide those for the children.
🟢As the wet weather is continuing can all parents/carers please continue to send in outdoor suits and wellies along with a change of clothes for your child to accommodate outdoor learning.
🔵 These items can be left in a bag on your child’s bag for convenience.
🟠Can all children please have at least one change of clothes within their bag at all times as we unfortunately do not have enough clothing/underwear for the large number of children we have accessing the centre.
Parent/Carer information for ‘returning’ children only……
Children returning in session 2023-2024 who currently attend on a long morning, long afternoon or 2 1/2 day model across the full year, please check your emails or Junk Email for information regarding registration for 2023-2024.
Please see the attached form within the email and please complete and return by March 13th 2023.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact to centre.
This email also includes any children who access the 2 year old room.
This reminder is for children who are transitioning to Onthank Primary School in August.
Our first transition visit is planned for tomorrow and parents/carers of the children who are registered or have submitted a placement request for Onthank should have received an email on 31st January outlining the details of the visit.
We look forward to hearing all about their first visit! 🖍️
Please click the link below for signs and symptoms to be aware of regarding Strep A.
If your child is unwell and displaying any of the following symptoms please let the centre know if you are going to be seeking medical advice and any outcomes.
Please check your emails for information regarding parent/ carer meetings that will be starting next week. Your child’s keyworker will discuss time slots at drop off or pick up times tomorrow. 😊