Unfortunately appointments between 6-8pm for P6/7 parents will need to be re-arranged for a different date and time. Further information will follow as soon as possible. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Reminder-Roald Dahl Day – Friday 7th October 2022
We look forward to seeing the children dressed up in their costumes tomorrow for Roald Dahl Day
Primary 7 Enterprise
Please note that a payment item for Primary 7 Enterprise project has been added to ParentPay for bracelets and key-rings. If you have placed an order, please make payment. If you wish to place an order, please complete the form below.
Thank you for your continued support.
Gordy Reid Rugby Centre
Please see below for full details:
Kris Boyd Football Centre
Please see below for full details:
Rose Reilly Football Centre
Please click on the link below for full details:
More from Primary 4
Primary 4 Update
Primary 4 have enjoyed investigating the different parts of a peach today. We looked at, and felt, the skin, flesh and pit before having a little taste of course!
P6/7 Update
Primary 6/7 have been busy – take a look ……
Primary 2/3 Update
We have been learning all about alphabetical order in our literacy lessons. We love doing activities to learn and practise our new skills. Our grammar activities include a letter hunt, a dictionary search, putting animals into alphabetical order, sorting letters and playing a capital and lower case matching pairs game.
Primary 2/3 have been busy learning all about place value in maths. One of our favourite activities is a number hunt which we often do in our gym hall. We have to find all the number cards and identify the number that is covered up by the animal. This is such a fun way to learn new skills!
Halloween Costume Swap Shop
If your child has outgrown their previous Halloween costume and you are wondering what to do with it, we have a possible solution!
Sent it to school on Monday 3rd October in a clearly labelled bag – costume, type and age/size marked. This allows for the costume to be in school for a few days.
Then on Parents@ Evening you will be able to, hopefully, select a different costume for your child. If you are happy to make a small donation this would be much appreciated. Donations will be put towards the school’s transport cost evenly across the school.
Thank you for your continued support. If extra costumes are left over, the school will donate them to a charity shop.
P6/7 Enterprise Project
Please complete form below by Thursday 29 September
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Hopscotch Theatre – “Plop”
The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Hopscotch Theatre today performing “Plop”.
“Plop!” is an ancient Greek comedy for children to learn about the environment, based on the popular myth of Poseidon and Demeter.
Have a look:
Ochiltree Multi Sports and Games
Please click on the PDF to view full details:
Primary 6/7 Update
Primary 6/7 have been busy – take a look:
Assembly – Respect
At Assembly this week the children were talking about respect . This includes good listening, caring for others, encouraging each other and being pleased for each others’ successes. It also means remembering to say please and thank you and being kind to each other.
We celebrated our wider achievements. If your child is doing anything outwith the school that the rest of the boys and girls would like to hear about at Assembly, please let the school know.
Next week at Assembly will be based on Fitness. Mrs Meek and our P4s will leading the school in this. We will also be talking about Harvest and the cost of the school day.
Primary 4 have been busy!!
Parents’ Day/Evening Appointments
Please complete:
Thank you.