Category Archives: School News

Appointment of Head Teacher for Ochiltree Primary School

Please see the original letter attached announcing the appointment from Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Chief Education Officer –

Parents-Carers – Ochiltree PS

The following if copied from that letter:

Dear Parent/Carer,

I wish to provide an update to you on the leadership of Ochiltree Primary School. I am very grateful to Mrs Pamela Lockie who has led the school since Mrs Black’s departure earlier this year, and I am sure you will join me in thanking her for all of her hard work.

I can now advise that, following discussions with the Chair of the Parent Council, Mrs Denise MacColl has been appointed as the Head Teacher of Ochiltree Primary School. Mrs MacColl is an experienced Head Teacher and will be ably supported by Mrs Lockie as Depute Head Teacher.

I hope that you and your families enjoy the rest of the term and have a very restful and enjoyable summer break.

Yours sincerely,


Chief Education Officer and Head of Education

Beach Party – End of Year Disco – 26/06/24

Wednesday 26th June 2024

7:00pm – 8:30pm

Ochiltree Community Hub

Tickets: £2 per child, £5 per family (family = 3 or more children). Active on ParentPay now.

Transfer Tattoos: There will be transfer tattoos available for children to purchase on the evening. If parents / carers do not want their child / children to have these applied, please notify the school in writing, either a note in school bags or an email to

Tuck Shop: There will be a tuck shop with crips, sweets, drinks and beach themed merchandise available. A price list will be published soon.

Mobile Phones: No Phones are allowed on the night. If a child must bring one, they will be held in a safe place for the duration of the disco and collected at the end of the evening. Staff and adult volunteers will have the authority to enforce this.

Sign In / Collection: parents are asked to sign their child / children into the Hub via the back door at the carpark side.

So, look out those Bermuda shorts, grass skirts and Hawaiian leis, sun hats!!

Looking forward to seeing the children ready to party on the night.

Limbo, Limbo!!

School Lunches

Please note that there is a change to the menu for Monday 17th June.

The Super Tattie’s Tasty Tray will now come with an egg sandwich and not the chicken mayo baguette as noted on the ParentPay app.

Please also note that menus may be subject to change at short notice as we come to the end of the academic year.

Thank you

Ochiltree Cattle Show 2024

This year’s cattle show has been another success for Ochiltree Primary School.

Pupils were asked to create a front cover design for this years’ show schedule and the winners were:

Class Winner
P1/2 Will
P3/4 Arthur
P4/5 Rebecca
P5/6 Lottie
P7 Harris

with the overall design winner being Lottie, P5/6; her design is pictured above.

Pupils also entered handicrafts to the show too, with the following successes:

Class  Placing  Pupil Name 
P 1/2 Third Alix
Second Illy
First Wallace
P 3/4 Third Arthur
Second Lukas
First Tommy
P 4/5 Third Lewis
Second Lilianna
First Jaxon
P 5/6 Third Rubie
Second Hannah
First Lottie
P 7 Third Jennifer
Second Jess
First Eva

The judges had a very difficult task selecting the winners in each class group. They were very impressed with the quality of the creations made for this year’s show and commented how talented all of our pupils are.

Stuart Watson, Chairman of the Ochiltree Cattle Show Committee, visited the school on Wednesday 8th May to present our winning pupils with their prizes at assembly. Thank you to Stuart for celebrating the pupils successes.

Ochiltree Cattle Show Committee thank all pupils and staff for their hard work producing such fantastic works of art for the show. Thanks also go to our lovely parents who encourage the young people to enter the handicrafts and animal showing sections; without everyone’s contributions, and the weather of course, the cattle show wouldn’t be the successful event it is each year.

Check out the Sway below for pictures of all of the pupils’ fabulous creations;

Ochiltree Cattle Show 2024
Congratulations to all pupils for their entries to the 2024 Ochiltree Cattle Show held Wednesday 24th April.

Holiday Weekend


The school will finish at the usual time on Friday 3rd May and re-open on Tuesday 7th May at 8.50 a.m.

Hopefully,  the sun continues to shine for the holiday!

Also a wee reminder that the School will also be closed on Monday 27th May for a Public Holiday and an In-service day on Tuesday 28th May.

Dates for Your Diary

Please note the following key dates for your calendars:

Date  Event 
Monday 6th May   May Day Bank Holiday 
Thursday 9th May  Football Match 3pm – 5pm – Home to Drongan 
Friday 10th – Sunday 12th May  Boswell Book Festival 
Friday 10th May  P7 Visit to Boswell Book Festival 
Monday 13th May   No Football training due to football match – away to Auchinleck
Tuesday 14th May  P6 Danger Detectives Trip 
Wednesday 15th May  UNESCO visit to P7 class 
Thursday 16th May   Football Match after school – away to Dalmellington
29th – 31st May  Health Week 
Monday 27th May  Monday School Holiday 
Tuesday 28th May  In Service Day 
Friday 31st May  Sports Day 
Monday 3rd June  Whole School Trip to Culzean 
Wednesday 26th June  Summer Celebration 
Friday 28th June  1pm closure for summer holidays 

Tempest Photography

Tempest Photography have been in school today.

Proofs of the individual and family photographs have been sent home in your child’s/children’s school bags this afternoon.

The link to the P1 and P7 class photographs will be sent to the school in the next couple of week and will be issued to parents once received.

If you would like to order the photographs, please go to:

There you will be asked to enter your Reference Number, which can be found below the barcode printed beneath the chosen picture. Enter the necessary details and add to the cart. Repeat this process for all the photos you wish to buy.

Happy Memories!

Archaeological Dig Update

Archaeological Dig Update

P4/5 and P5/6 have had a great time being archaeologists at the Ochiltree Dig today.

Kirsten found a 1917 George V coin.

Archaeology Scotland have been able to arrange an extra dig session for the P7 on Monday. Further information, EV5 consent form and Archaeology Scotland photographic consent forms will be sent home today, please sign and return these to the school on Monday morning.

If you are interested in volunteering yourself this weekend please go along to the Poole Pad at the triangle patch of grass between Stewart Avenue and Broom Crescent. The dig site can be found using what3words woodstove.sectors.cowboys.

Check out the Sway to see some pictures of the dig.

Go to this Sway


Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition Results


Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition – Saturday 2nd March – Results

Congratulations to all Team Ochiltree competitors who took part in Saturday’s competition. The children worked incredibly hard preparing for the event and had great courage to perform on the day in front of a large audience.

All were presented with a certificate for their participation in the Verse Speaking category. We are delighted to announce that Poppy and Lilianna achieved certificates of merit and Poppy was awarded the third place medal.

Many Congratulations!