All posts by Mrs Lockie

Mr Renton retires today

Our Facilities Management Assistant  and School Crossing Patroller, Mr Renton, has retired today after 8 years at Ochiltree Primary.

Mr Renton started his working life as a miner and then spent 25 years driving lorries. He joined East Ayrshire Council working as a Janitor in different schools before coming to Ochiltree.

Famous for his tuneful singing around the school and his love of football,  Mr Renton is looking forward to doing things in his garden  at home and  “not having to get up early on dark mornings.”

The children presented him with their memory books.

P1 present their book of memories to Mr Renton. Lots of them starred him with his yellow coat and Lollipop stick.
P4 and P5 also gave a handmade book of memories









Callum and Harris presented Mr Renton with lots of good memories









The Parent Council Chair, Mrs Musson and other parents also presented Mr Renton with gifts, including a hamper with his favourite snacks .

Parents presented Mr Renton with a number of gifts


We wish Mr Renton a long, healthy and happy Retirement!








Kinship Carers Event

East Ayrshire kinship carer event: KINshop – a swap-shop coffee morning for kinship families! 

Tuesday 2 July, 10.30am – 1.30pm
WG13, Kilmarnock, KA1 1DH

KINshop is open to all kinship carers living in East Ayrshire, hosted by the East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership (EAHSCP) kinship team.

You are warmly invited to come and meet one another over coffee, cake and juice for the younger ones!  Drop in and shop sustainably as we promote pre loved, excellent quality clothes and goods for you and the children you look after.  If you wish to bring items for other kinship families that are ‘used in very good condition’ or ‘new with / without tags’, please feel free, however there is no request to do so.  Please come and enjoy, fill a bag to take away!

Kinship care is a care arrangement provided by a child’s extended family or by a close friend who has a pre-existing relationship with the child. Kinship care can be a formal or informal arrangement and it can be time limited or long term.


Mrs Shannon is retiring!

After 31 years at Ochiltree Primary, Mrs Shannon ( B.E.M), our Senior Clerical Assistant,  is retiring.

The Legend is retiring!

Mrs Shannon first came to the school as a Classroom Assistant before moving on to work in the office and becoming a Senior Clerical Assistant.

In addition to her day job, Mrs Shannon also helped in a sporting capacity, running our after school Swimming Club and teaching hundreds of children to swim. She also ran and coached  the school netball and basketball teams.

An avid football fan, she also coached, managed and refereed for our school football teams. She was particularly  thrilled when the team won the Bill Shankly trophy this year.

Mrs Shannon was delighted to be awarded a British Empire Medal two years ago for her work with the children.

The children  created books with their memories of Mrs Shannon  and presented these to her on Thursday afternoon. She was also presented with a gift from staff as well as flowers and champagne at the Summer Celebration on Wednesday .

Lilianna presented the P4 and 5 Memories book


P1 to P3 also gave a Memory book


P7 footballers, Ewan and Ruari, presented Mrs Shannon with the P5-7 Memories book









Mrs Musson , Parent Council Chair,  presented Mrs Shannon with flowers on behalf of parents. Mrs Shannon was also wearing her Leavers’ Hoodie with pride.

Parent Council presented flowers to Mrs Shannon

Mrs Shannon has a series of events planned to celebrate her retirement  and is looking forward to spending time with her grandchildren.

We are sure that she will not spend long sitting with her flippers up and will be quickly back in the pool or soon be spotted at the side of a football  pitch 😀

We would like to wish Mrs Shannon a long, healthy and happy Retirement!



Sports Taster Sessions

All pupils will take part in activity sessions this week. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit  with them every day  this week ( no football strips, please).

On Wednesday all pupils will have the chance to show their Fast Feet in football  with coaches from Kilmarnock Football Club.

On Thursday each class will have a taster session of Karate.

Children will be focusing on health and will also take part in Daily Mile activities, in between the rain showers. Please ensure your child has a waterproof jacket with them.

Weather permitting, and if our pitch has dried out enough, our Sports afternoon will take place on Friday afternoon at 1.30 p.m in the school. Please look out for updates on whether this event will go ahead on the  31st  May.

Be safe in the sun 🌞

It is lovely to see the sunshine and we hope it continues for the weekend.

As a Sunsafe school,  we would like to remind you that children should wear suncream, a sunhat and sunglasses, if possible. Children can bring suncream into school for their own use.

A sports bottle of water is also recommended and can be re- filled in school.

Thank you

Primary 3 and 4 Football

Coaches and players from Kilmarnock Football  Club  will be working with Primary 3 and 4 pupils  for a block of 4 weeks, starting on Wednesday 15th May.

Children should bring their PE kit with them on Wednesdays.

An after- school football club will also run in the school from 3 to 4 p.m. on these Wednesdays for children in P3 and P4.  Please look out for further information and complete the consent form if you wish your child to attend.


Reminder P4 and P5 Valentin’s Farm visit

P4 and P5 pupils are looking forward to their visit to Dumfries House  tomorrow.  Children should bring a packed lunch , ( unless already ordered on Parentpay)  and  water bottle with them.

Don’t forget wellies or old shoes to change into and a waterproof jacket. As the weather is variable,   suncream  should also be applied in case the sun comes out for 2 days in a row 🌤

Thank you.

Earth Day 2024

Today is Earth Day. At Assembly last week, we found out about the reasons behind  Earth Day  and what we can do to protect our planet.🌍

The children came up with a wide variety of ideas to protect the Earth, including:

Switching off lights  and  electrical items when they are not needed

Recycling ♻️

Using  Food Waste caddies

Eating a vegetarian  meal today

Doing a litter pick

Turning off the tap while we brush our teeth💧

We hope that  you find  these helpful if you are joining in with Earth Day at home.




Ochiltree Cattle Show Visit Wednesday 24th April

The children have been invited to attend the Ochiltree Cattle Show on 24th April.
Weather permitting, we hope to attend to see the Show and the Crafts Competition.

All of the children have entered a piece of their artwork for judging and their work can be seen in the Bowling Club later in the day.

If you are willing to assist with walking the children to and from the Cattle Show, please contact the school.

Boswell Book Festival – Author Visit

We are looking forward to our visit from famous children’s author, Vivian French, on Monday 22nd April. Younger pupils will be working with Vivuan and an illustrator in preparation for the Boswell Book Festival which takes place on the 11th and 12th of May.

Our P6 pupils have been invited to take part in Bozzy’s Schools’ Day on Friday 10th May at Dumfries House.

Please look out for further details.

Updated Arrival Time 11 p.m.

We have left Gretna and are on the final leg of our journey  home. After  a short stop in Logan, we should be back in Ochiltree around 11 p.m.

If there are any delays  a further update will be posted.

Our bus driver has asked that you leave both sides of  the road  at  the school clear for him . Should you wish to  park in the school car park tonight, please do so.

Whilst we are sure that you will be keen to have your child back home, please speak with a member of staff before leaving with your child and their bags. We don’t want to lose anyone now!😃 Thank you.

A huge thank you also to all the children  for making the visit so wonderful and   to  the dedicated staff who made this visit possible. Go Team Ochiltree!


London Visit update 19th April

Good morning! We had a great day yesterday and  a quiet night.  We are looking forward to breakfast and being Wizards today.

Please check on this blog for information about our expected arrival time home. It is currently anticipated to be around 11.45 p.m.  Any changes will be posted here so please check  later this evening.

Thank you.