Mrs Shannon is retiring!

After 31 years at Ochiltree Primary, Mrs Shannon ( B.E.M), our Senior Clerical Assistant,  is retiring.

The Legend is retiring!

Mrs Shannon first came to the school as a Classroom Assistant before moving on to work in the office and becoming a Senior Clerical Assistant.

In addition to her day job, Mrs Shannon also helped in a sporting capacity, running our after school Swimming Club and teaching hundreds of children to swim. She also ran and coached  the school netball and basketball teams.

An avid football fan, she also coached, managed and refereed for our school football teams. She was particularly  thrilled when the team won the Bill Shankly trophy this year.

Mrs Shannon was delighted to be awarded a British Empire Medal two years ago for her work with the children.

The children  created books with their memories of Mrs Shannon  and presented these to her on Thursday afternoon. She was also presented with a gift from staff as well as flowers and champagne at the Summer Celebration on Wednesday .

Lilianna presented the P4 and 5 Memories book


P1 to P3 also gave a Memory book


P7 footballers, Ewan and Ruari, presented Mrs Shannon with the P5-7 Memories book









Mrs Musson , Parent Council Chair,  presented Mrs Shannon with flowers on behalf of parents. Mrs Shannon was also wearing her Leavers’ Hoodie with pride.

Parent Council presented flowers to Mrs Shannon

Mrs Shannon has a series of events planned to celebrate her retirement  and is looking forward to spending time with her grandchildren.

We are sure that she will not spend long sitting with her flippers up and will be quickly back in the pool or soon be spotted at the side of a football  pitch 😀

We would like to wish Mrs Shannon a long, healthy and happy Retirement!



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