Nativity Update

As you already know our Nativity will be held on Friday 16th December. We had originally arranged to have teas and coffees in the Ochiltree Hub after the Nativity. However, due to the huge response we have had to rethink our plans for the morning.

  • Teas and coffee will now be offered in the school before the Nativity from 9.30 – 10.30AM. PLEASE ENTER BY THE MAIN SCHOOL ENTRANCE. We cannot offer refreshments after the Nativity as we are having our Christmas lunch in the school hall from 12.15pm.
  • A suggested donation of £2 can made at the school for charity.
  • The Sanquhar and District Silver Band will play outside the church from 10.30 – 11.00am.
  • Church doors will open at 10.30am. We would ask everyone to be seated by 10.50am. Please do not sit on the reserved pews.
  • The Nativity will begin at 11.00am and will last approximately 30 – 40minutes.
  • We would ask that parents, carers and friends to remain seated in the church until the children have returned to school.
  • Please note there should be no videos or photographs of the Nativity or children taken by the audience throughout the event. This is in line with East Ayrshire Council and child protection guidance.
  • The school will video the performance and take photographs of the cast which will be able to be viewed on the school blog before Christmas.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

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