Assembly Update

Eco-Committee News

We have noticed a lot of litter in our playground and around the school recently. To help with this, Lilianna and Jaxon suggested that volunteers from P2/3 could take turns doing a litter pick at lunchtime . Gloves and litter picks will be provided and M Renton will supervise. Children who wish to volunteer have been asked to give their names to the Eco- committee.

By Emma and Libby

To help stop littering around our village we are holding an anti-littering poster competition. A winner from each class will be selected and the winning posters will be displayed around the village.

By Duncan

Massage in Schools Programme
The children have been learning more massage strokes from the Massage in Schools programme at Assembly. P4 children were able to demonstrate the moves with a partner to the rest of the school.

Roald Dahl Day
This will be held on 14th September and the children will be able to come dressed up as their favourite Roald Dahl character and take part in different activities in class. Please do not feel that you have to send your child in costume – schoolchildren are key characters in “Matilda” so school uniform will also be a costume!

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