Assembly 24th August 2022

Assembly 24th August 2022


At assembly this week we all introduced ourselves to each other.  Our P1s were amazing.  P2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 children welcomed the P1s to Ochiltree Primary School.

Logan, Mason, Emily, Isla and Ewan D spoke about Eco schools and forming our new Eco Committee.  We celebrated birthdays and showed the P1s some peer massage moves.  It was very relaxing.


We celebrated recent birthdays and birthdays over the summer holidays.


Next week we will be talking about what we are responsible for.


The P6/7 made some excellent suggestions, shown below.


We are we responsible for:

being kind to each other,

being healthy

looking after our buddies in P1

being helpful

helping out at home

doing what we are asked to do when we are asked

looking after our pets


What do you think?  Can you please ask you child what they think and discuss it with them at home so that they can join in the Assembly  discussion next week.

Thank you.



PE Days


Vibrant Communities and staff members from different sports  clubs will be working with different classes over the school year which may affect your child’s PE days. Please check the app regularly for any updates.  In dry weather PE may be held outside and trainers can be worn.  Children also participate in the Daily Mile initiative and outdoor learning activities so all children should have a warm, waterproof jacket and have suitable footwear each day.


At the moment, classes will have PE on the following days:


P1/2    Wednesdays and Fridays

P2/3   Tuesdays and Thursdays

P4       Tuesdays and Fridays

P5/6  Wednesday and Friday

P6/7  Tuesdays and Thursdays


Please note that no jewellery should be worn for PE activities, in accordance with East Ayrshire guidance.





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