Our Ref:PL/ES
22nd February 2022
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Expression of Interest –P7 Overnight Stay – Galloway Activity Centre, Loch Ken or
2 Individual Day Trips.
I am in the process of making enquiries about a residential visit to Galloway Activity Centre, Loch Ken, from Thursday 26th to Friday 27th May 2022. The cost would be around £175 per child and can be paid in instalments, with the final amount being due 2 weeks before the trip. The trip would be available to all children in P7 this session. To be able to cost this visit more accurately, I would need to have an estimate number of children wishing to attend.
Alternatively, a trip to Braehead Snow Centre and Climbing Zone as well as a trip to The Garage in Kilmarnock for a Go Kart and Bowling Session has been considered. The cost for both of these days would be around £95 per pupil.
If there are insufficient numbers the cost of all trips may become prohibitive and the school may have to cancel the trips.
Please discuss both of the options with your child and register your interest below and return by Thursday 24th February 2022.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Fiona J M Black
Head Teacher
*My preferred choice for my child …………………………………………………………………..
1st Choice……………………………………………………………………………………………..
*In the event of there not being a majority decision, please say if either trip would be suitable
*I am happy to go to either trip YES/NO
If you require further information please contact the school office.