Our emotional wellbeing😀☹️😡😴

Today at welcome  time we sat and spoke about emotions and why we have them.

We sat out 4 emotions Happy, Sad, Tired and Angry. The children each picked an emotion they felt this morning and gave them the opportunity to talk about them and why they felt this way.

One of the children highlighted that they were Sad to come to nursery today but now that they are in nursery said they felt Happy once they seen their friends and ladies😁.

This was successful and we will continue to do this at the beginning of every session as it is important to talk about our feelings and this allows the children to express themselves and deal with any feelings they might have and talking about them will give them a better understanding on how to manage them appropriately💪🏽.

Halloween week 25/10/2021

This week has seen the children from both sessions participating in lots of Halloween fun activities. We have been carving pumpkins, making spooky Halloween crafts, exploring lots of sensory materials, mixing potions, creating food monsters with the leftover fruit and vegetables and joining in with spooky songs and games.

Autumn fun!




The PM children have been so busy this week both indoors and out! We are getting ready for Halloween and took part in the experience of carving pumpkins! 🎃 We also make Halloween crispy cakes, discovering how chocolate melts when it is put into the microwave! 🍫 We enjoyed snack outdoors on a beautiful sunny day, we explored with sand and water and we even got the chance to see a beautiful rainbow 🌈  What a fun week! 👍

Listening and concentrating

The PM children have working on their listening and concentrating skills this week especially at welcome time and group time.

We visited the library where we had to use our “inside quiet voices” when selecting new books.

At group time we listened to instructions to help us with group time songs and rules of games.


Week Beginning 4th October 2021

MNU 0.16a

This week the AM group have been participating in lots of experiences relating to Shape matching and recognition. We have been matching shapes through interactive games, and the use of playroom objects, identifying shapes around our room and investigating shapes outdoors during a shape hunt activity. We identified circles, squares, rectangles and triangles with the loose parts and planters outdoors. We also created some artwork using shapes to print with. Shapes are all around us. I wonder if you can identify any shapes around your home? 

Twiggles Child of the day- P.A.T.H.S.

Twiggles ‘child of the day’ – Ada Mccarroll

Today, we learned all about compliments and twiggle explained that this is something we say to people we like and care about and it will make them smile.

The children said they liked Adas shoes and the ladies said they liked about Ada was that she is so friendly.

Ada also got to be the snack helper also…I wonder who twiggle will pick next week!

Autumn walk

We had lots of fun on our Autumn walk, we spotted some squirrels and found lots of conkers to take back and explore.
Some of the children noticed that the moon was still in the sky, we have included this in our planning for the following weeks. We we discover more about time sequences and differences between day and night.

W/B 27.9.21

Today, we introduced dry brushing. The children got to practice brushing their teeth and learning how to clean their brush after use.
The children were excited to see what picture they had on their brush and what colour their bus would be.



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