All posts by Ms Scott

Oak Room, Pink Pig group🐷

This morning it was the turn of the children in Viviannes Pink Pig group to visit the woods.

Before leaving we had a chat about how to keep safe when walking and then when in the woods we talked about keeping safe and within the boundaries set by the group.

Then the fun began! We explored the wooded area, listening to the different sounds and looking at the evidence of Spring. 🌷We saw squirrels and birds, made dens to sit in, relaxed in the hammock, had our snack outdoors and then ran races down the hills. 2 of our children said it was “The best day ever” 😊

Week beginning 14th March

This week the AM group have been using the physical apparatus to climb and balance. Some people walked on the beams and some used other ways to get to the other side. All children were developing their own individual physical skills and capabilities.
Many of the children have been engaged in role play with the authentic resources, transporting them to make picnics, tea parties and music areas.




PM Group


This week we have been making the most of the spring time weather starting and have spent lots of time out in our garden. The children discovered rubbish that had blown into the garden and were using litter pickers to recycle and tidy up our environment. ♻️

Week beginning 6th December




It has been a busy week in the Oak room this week. We have been involved in lots of Christmas crafts, making some special things to take home before Christmas🤫. We have explored the games on the promethean board, designing Christmas trees, following 2 step patterns and completing puzzles.
We have also been filmed singing our Christmas songs and this will be combined with all of the other rooms into a special video for parents and families. 🎤🎼

We Went for a walk on Thursday to post our letters to Santa. We hope he has time to reply,! 😉😉🎅🏻🎅🏻

We all wore our Christmas jumpers on Friday and designed our own jumpers using drawing and collage materials.👚


Balancing and Taking turns.

This week the PM group have been finding ways to use the loose parts for balancing. This has enabled them to assess risks, ask for support if needed and then develop skill and independence in balancing. They have also been learning to take turns on the equipment and to encourage each other when trying new things.

Halloween week 25/10/2021

This week has seen the children from both sessions participating in lots of Halloween fun activities. We have been carving pumpkins, making spooky Halloween crafts, exploring lots of sensory materials, mixing potions, creating food monsters with the leftover fruit and vegetables and joining in with spooky songs and games.

Listening and concentrating

The PM children have working on their listening and concentrating skills this week especially at welcome time and group time.

We visited the library where we had to use our “inside quiet voices” when selecting new books.

At group time we listened to instructions to help us with group time songs and rules of games.


Week Beginning 4th October 2021

MNU 0.16a

This week the AM group have been participating in lots of experiences relating to Shape matching and recognition. We have been matching shapes through interactive games, and the use of playroom objects, identifying shapes around our room and investigating shapes outdoors during a shape hunt activity. We identified circles, squares, rectangles and triangles with the loose parts and planters outdoors. We also created some artwork using shapes to print with. Shapes are all around us. I wonder if you can identify any shapes around your home?