All posts by Ms Scott

W/B 21/11/22

Exploring our emotions. The children could identify different emotions and talk about it and why they might feel that way. Some of the children even wanted to do some facial expressions matching that emotion.

Creating dinosaurs. The children were taking part in some risky play using scissors to cut objects to stick onto their dinosaur bodies.

Exploring sensory play using shaving foam. The children really enjoyed this activity using different tools to mark make with and they even used their hands/fingers to crate drawings or write with. This encouraged a lot of language amongst them talking about what they were making and discussing each other’s drawings or what they will do next.

Using our fine motor skills through some risky play. The children has shown great interest in using the kitchen utensils to learn how to cut up raw vegetables to put into their soup within the role play area. They were able to manage their safety and those around them by using the knives appropriately.

Developing our pre-writing skills. The children have been working on using pens/pencils to copy numbers/letters developing their skills furthering their learning to write their names and understanding the letters within them.




This has been a busy week in the Oak Room. We have been concentrating on Number ordering, syllable games and learning to play together with our new friends. All the children have participated in various experiences throughout the week and we will be moving forward with Syllables, rhymes and songs and developing counting on and back.
We were lucky to have some time in the gym hall on Thursday afternoon and Used the equipment to develop Gross Motor skills, especially rolling and jumping on the large mats.





Firework week in the oak room

This week in the oak room the children have been learning all about bonfire night and fireworks. We have participated in lots of experiences around this event, from language games using associated words like  Pop, Bang, Whizz, Sparkle, Rocket. 💥🔥
We also created lots of artwork using paint with spatulas, powder paint and water to Splat on the ground. (Apologies to anyone who had a child come home with painted hair). 😁🔴🟢🔵🟠

We had a focus on safety during this time, discussing  Frances the Firefly and  Fido the Firedog and how important it is to keep safe around fireworks and bonfires.
If anyone is going to displays this weekend, please keep safe.

Killieween in the Oak Room!

The children have participated in lots and lots of fun and engaging experiences this week for our Halloween week. pumpkin carving and decorating,. Potion making, Halloween themed games and lots of dressing up and dancing at our Party. We hope you have all enjoyed this week and if you visit the community pumpkin trail, please enjoy and stay safe. Happy Halloween🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

New Term August 2022

Hello and welcome to all of our new and returning Oak room families. This is where we update experiences each week that the children have been participating in.
This week we have been getting to know each other, learning to play and work together and make new friends.

We have been encouraging independence in play choices, engaging in role-play, where we have been chopping and preparing vegetables and cooperating with our friends. We used our listening skills to identify the animal sounds from the cd game.

Paddling Pool fun. ☀️

Here are our last photos from the summer, when we were lucky enough to have the paddling pools out. ☀️☀️
The children had lots of fun in the sun splashing in/out of the pools and keeping cool by using the water guns on each other! And on the ladies. 😂😂
It has been a busy and eventful summer.
Best wishes to everyone moving onto different playrooms/primary school and we look forward to seeing our returners on Thursday. 

Summer fun in the first few weeks

The children who attend during the summer have been getting to know each other and all the staff during this time.
They have been making independent play choices and developing their own interests during our first few weeks.

There have been lots of opportunities to develop interests and add loose parts to enhance play.
The children asked to paint our Loose part vehicles and worked together to use the right tools, using mathematical language of bigger, smaller, more space, more paint, that’s a little bit there.
There was lots of collaboration, communication and independent decisions being made.
Some of the PM group decided to build tyre stacks and climb inside. They were encouraged to collect and roll these by themselves with adult assistance to climb in, and stop them tipping over! 😉

We have also seen some Army Assault course type tyre fun with the children trying to run across them!
some time in the Gym Hall, has encouraged the children to develop skills in climbing and balancing. It’s been a busy few weeks so far, and we are only half way through!

Week Beginning 6th June 2022

This week has seen the release of our beautiful butterflies. We have really enjoyed learning all about how they grow and develop and it has been great to see the children engaging with each stage.  they were very excited to watch them fly away.

This week we have also been engaging in some conversations about foods we like/dislike and this has developed lots of descriptive language. There has been lots of fruit based painting and some food tasting sessions where I’m sure you can see by the children’s facial expressions what they didn’t like the taste of! 😂😂

The children have had a busy week this week with periods of independent play indoors and out, and even a bit of movement with Tumble tots. 🕺💃



Continue reading Week Beginning 6th June 2022

Jubilee Garden Party Week

Well done to all the children who have joined in our jubilee celebrations this week. We have been very excited to receive a reply to our letter from Buckingham Palace. The children were very pleased to have all their questions answered. 👍🏽🤔


We have been very busy making biscuits and muffins for our party, creating pictures of the queen and exploring materials to work together to build our castle.


And finally we had lots of fun at our Garden Party, celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We hope you all have a lovely few days off, whatever you are doing.

Week beginning 25/4/2022

This week as part of our planning the children have been exploring living things and what they need to grow. We have started talking about caterpillars and will be watching these grow over the next few weeks. Some children have participated in storytelling, crafts and snacks based around the Very Hungry Caterpillar story.


we look forward to updates on how the caterpillars are growing and developing throughout the next few blogs.