The children in the AM/PM sessions have both been having lots of fun on the gym apparatus. The children have been developing their balancing skills walking along the beam independently. Some of the children can demonstrate how to confidently jump off the end landing comfortably on both feet on the mat.
This was also a very good activity for turn taking, the children went in the one direction and would wait until the person jumped off before beginning to ensure their safety within this activity👍🏽
The children in the AM/PM groups have been practicing their balance and coordination skills with how to go up and down the school stairs independently.
Today at welcome time we sat and spoke about emotions and why we have them.
We sat out 4 emotions Happy, Sad, Tired and Angry. The children each picked an emotion they felt this morning and gave them the opportunity to talk about them and why they felt this way.
One of the children highlighted that they were Sad to come to nursery today but now that they are in nursery said they felt Happy once they seen their friends and ladies😁.
This was successful and we will continue to do this at the beginning of every session as it is important to talk about our feelings and this allows the children to express themselves and deal with any feelings they might have and talking about them will give them a better understanding on how to manage them appropriately💪🏽.
The children all dressed up for Halloween today. We had a variety of fun games for all to take part in such as Pin the spider on the web, Ghost toilet roll bowling, Pass the pumpkin, Halloween dancing and Dooking for apples🎃
Twiggles ‘child of the day’ – Ada Mccarroll
Today, we learned all about compliments and twiggle explained that this is something we say to people we like and care about and it will make them smile.
The children said they liked Adas shoes and the ladies said they liked about Ada was that she is so friendly.
Ada also got to be the snack helper also…I wonder who twiggle will pick next week!
Today, we introduced dry brushing. The children got to practice brushing their teeth and learning how to clean their brush after use.
The children were excited to see what picture they had on their brush and what colour their bus would be.
Today, following planning we have been learning to take turns when taking part in an exciting activity. We are waiting out turn when playing on the board learning to cook/bake. HWB 0-05a
An important part of this activity was the children had to wash their hands before making anything. HWB 0-33a
The children are also experiencing some messy play with Rice Krispies. SCN 0-12a
Well done to Ada for getting “Star of the Week” in the Oak room for the AM session. Ada this week has followed our golden rules everyday and has been an excellent helper at tidy-up time🥰
Today, we had a bookbug session😊 Bookbug brought along some characters from familiar nursery rhymes in his special bag and he chose the children who sang his song the best to pick out one of the puppets🧐
After singing along to each puppets nursery rhyme we sat down and read a story called “Big Fish, Small fish”.
Just another – East Ayrshire site