All posts by Miss Davidson

W/B 19/04/22

our garden has now been opened up. The children have enjoyed mixing with other children from each playroom and exploring new resources.

We have been continuing our visits to the woods. We have been following rules to keep us safe, building dens and exploring nature by going on bug hunts 🐜.


This week the morning children got a visit from 2 lambs.



Continuing to learn about scissor safety, how to hold and snip appropriately when using them within our play at the creative table.

Going woodland visits with Marion and our key worker. This is great fun learning g to build dens, finding materials outdoors, insects and even having snack outside too. This is great for encouraging children’s curiosity, problem solving and inquisitiveness.

Making most of the good weather we are having by having snack outdoors.

We have been finding insects especially lots of ladybirds in our outdoor area. We have been learning about them and how to gently handle them to ensure we don’t squash them. Since the children have shown such an interest we have decided to put this into out planning for the next month to learn about insects.

We have been re siting our golden rules, the children were demonstrating how to follow these rules.

Some of our Easter Bonnets, the children (and guardians😉) did so well by creating these. They were amazing and we had fun going out our Easter Bonney walks to show them off.

The children have been showing off their artistic skills, they have been painting the Daffodills in the pot in front of them. Some of the pieces have been framed in our room.

Decorating Easter eggs, we decorated them in the preparation to roll them down the hill on Friday. The children used a range of colours and stuck on different resources to stick onto them.

The Easter bunny came to the centre, he hid lots of chocolate eggs around our garden and the children all found one egg and then went and sat on the bench. The children on the bench who maybe seen some other hiding helped the children find them.

The Easter bunny was so kind to us and left us all an Easter egg to take home.

Making Chocolate nests, the children were all helping in crushing the shredded wheat, crushing up the mini eggs, adding in the melted chocolate and adding them all to cupcake cases.

The children were learning about hygiene and the importance of washing your hands before you come over the table and touch any of the food. Although it was difficult we spoke about not putting the spoons near our mouths either😂.

W/b 21.03.22

Exploring with chalk🔴🔵🟠🟡🟢🟣

The children were using the chalk to draw outdoors, the children were writing numbers on our blackboard where they could sequence them


Easter 🐣

We have even making some Easter decorations, this was fun and exciting allowing the children to get creative designing their own decoration in their own way.


Whatriggs beach🏖🏝

Making the most of the great weather, we created our own beach. We had the sea tub with water, we had our socks and shoes off making sandcastles and taking turns in the water. The children worked together to turn themselves into mermaids by building tails with the wet sand and some spades to tap it flat.


Building with our imagination🤔

The children have been using our recently donated loose parts involving window spaces and tubes, the children have been enjoying using these parts Creating bridges, dinosaurs, towers and a wide range of others using their creative minds🧠


Positional langauge🗣

The children have been learning about positional language as part of this months planning, the children could follow instruction on where to out the teddy such as ontop, behind, under, over the chair etc.


Continuing the learning we decided to take it outside, we created a map with arrows to see if the children could follow the arrows to get them from start to finish. The children were learning to follow directions to get to the destination.

W/B 7.3.22

From the natural resources we collected last week, we have been using them in the room to create pictures and collages.

Exploring forces, why things roll downwards when we put the cars at the top of the tubes. We predicted what would happen and why.

We have been gifted an old type writer, the children have been using this learning about their letters and how it prints on to the paper. The children have enjoyed using this and practicing learning the letters in their names👍🏽


W/B 28.3.22

Colour mixing🟠🟡🟣🔵🔴

The children enjoyed this activity on transporting water into different cups through kitchen roll. We socked it into differ t cups and left it a couple of days before returning to see what the outcome would be.

The water had mixed and the children could identify that red and blue made “purple”, red and green made “brown” and yellow and green made “brown”. The children then used pipette and enjoyed mixing colours into pieces of kitchen  roll.

Exploring forces with a hairdryer💨

we attached a balloon to a piece of string, the children used the hair dryer to move it from on end to the other. Some of the children predicted that it would move and some predicted they through it would burst. This was very excited for them to explore.

The children then found items from  around the room to see what else might float with the hairdryer. The children discovered that feather would float high as they were “light” but they also discovered that ball pit balls would float above the hairdryer as they were light enough to fly.



We went a couple walks around the estate this week due to the nice weather. We went a walk to the local charity shop to by some reusable materials and resources for our room to support our new curiosity approach.
We explored the woodland area behind the ECC to collect stick, leaves and even a very large branch that a child dragged back with them😂

Pancake day🥞🥞

For pancake day we made homemade pancakes. The children could demonstrate that you washed your hands to begin with. They helped sieve the flour, crack in the eggs, pour in the milk then mix it all together. This was a great team building activity and the children all took turns to have a shot.


Lava lamps🔵🔴

The children created lava lamps, we used food colouring and water to begin with. We then added the oil using the funnel to make it easier to transfer it into so we didn’t have any spillages.

Bicarbonate and vinegar🧪

We have been exploring different experiments all week, the children used pipettes to add vinegar to the bicarbonate/food colouring. This was excited as the children were predicting what they think might happen and once they added the vinegar watching what happens.

This week in the oak room – 21/2/22

As part of planning we have been introducing scissors into the room for the children to access freely and use them independently to give them more experience on how to handle and use them.

We have been given some new toys in the centre, the children have been enjoying the sorting the bears sorting them into the correct coloured dishes, copying and completing the cards by sorting the bears by their colour and size.

We have been enjoying the lovely weather so went exploring in the woods 🌲

Also part of our planning, we have been exploring ‘experiments’ 🧪 we did the milk challenge adding food colouring to milk and adding fairy liquid in and seeing what happened!!

Making the most of being out in the rain and the changing weather, we have been using umbrellas when outdoors when the weather has been so wet to still go out and burn off all our energy!

As part of planning we are introducing activities that will encourage mathematical language. Today the children showed great interest in this floating and sinking activity which encouraged great language with the children predicting what they think might sink or float and then their thoughts after they added it to the water and whether their predictions were correct 🤔👍🏽

Another new toy we have been given is the stickle bricks, the children really enjoy using these and this encourages their creativity to make whatever they want. Some of these creations are quite interesting 😄

Creating patterns

As part of our planning, we have been creating colour and shape patterns. To make it a little more interesting we thought we would  introduce some sensory using flour. The children were creating colour and shape patterns with the objects and we even drew shapes in the flour.