All posts by Mrs Gordon

Week beginning 23rd January

What a busy week in the Oak room!

The children in the room have been developing their knowledge of shapes. They have been creating people, a house and the sun by using the shapes. We are also developing to explore new shapes around our environment and outdoors.

Some of the afternoon children were putting the cakes in order from 1-10.

We have also been using our concentration and listening skills whilst doing a listening activity.



Have a lovely weekend 😁


The oak room children have been extremely busy this week. We have been painting with paints and ice cubes and block paints which was a lot of fun.
There has been lots of exploring of the outdoors in the puddles and walks to find chestnuts and Autumnal objects. We then used these loose parts to sort and compare sizes.
Some of the children have been developing physical development using logs and palettes to balance and jump.

The boys and girls in the Oak room have been discussing aspects of seasonal change in the environment. Learning the names of the four seasons and at Autumn time the leaves turn various colours and fall off the trees, it’s windy and  on our walk we find conkers on the ground. We have been learning a new Autumn 🍂 song “ The leaves on the trees turn orange and red”




The Oak room have been exploring feelings.
Learning that we have a range of emotions and developing awareness of how to express our feelings and relating them to everyday experiences.

This week bookbug visited the oak room. The children enjoyed meeting bookbug and played a variety of different games with him. The children picked songs from our song bag and sang them together. Bookbug also read us the story book  ‘we are going on a bear hunt’ which the children enjoyed.

The children have been practicing their numeracy skills by counting the boy and girls in the am and pm sessions. They have also been learning to count and recognise the written number form to encourage them to count to 10. We have been using loose parts to do this which the children like.


The children have begun to use our new self-register. The children are learning to find their name by recognising their group names- the green turtles, pink pigs, blue dolphins, red pandas and the grey rabbits. The children are then being encouraged to find their names by recognising their first initial letter.
Why don’t you ask your child their groups which will encourage this great learning further😊