All posts by Mrs Allen

W/B 13th June

This week was a tale of two halves with the weather!
At the beginning of the week we had lovely sunshine which allowed us to get outside and play in the water. We used the tray to pour and various resources to catch the water, filling and measuring.

We have also been working hard as a team to create group works of art. Both the AM and PM children have been working together, expressing their creativity in group art projects using paint in squeeze bottles, and chalk paint on paper on our walls.

Snack area refresh

We have recently refreshed our eating area to accommodate our growing numbers and would love to add a slice of home to our snack/lunch/high tea area. We would be looking to add pictures of the children eating with their families, enjoying their favourite foods at home or maybe on holiday! Whatever you prefer.

If you’d like to add to this could you please bring in your picture some time next week.

Water tray fun

Yesterday the AM session children experimented with the water tray in the garden. They used different sized containers to fill and empty, talking about how fast or slow this made the water flow down the water run.

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Rhyming Spoons


Today with the AM children during welcome time we picked nursery rhymes using some rhyming spoons. We sang them together along with some actions and then talked about our favourite songs and rhymes that we sing at home.


“I enjoy playing with the patterns and sounds of language” –

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