The Am children have been exploring with guttering and a variety of balls this week. They have been developing their understanding of forces/fast and slow and encouraged to describe their effects. 🎾 🥎
We have also been creating “Kindness Snowflakes” to display on our playroom windows to help spread some winter kindness to our friends and family! ❄️ ❄️
we continue to share our feelings and emotions through a variety of learning experiences. Today we used mirrors to look at our facial expressions and draw them on to paper, we were encouraged to share our feeling with each other. 😃 😔 😑 😡
we were encouraged to focus and pay attention at group time today, listening to an animal sound track and attempting to identify the correct animal. 🐕 🐄 🦍 🐓 🐈
What a busy and fun week we’ve had! 😁