Week Beginning 13/3/2023

This week has been a very busy one, our new pm children are settling in and finding their comfortable place within the setting. This may take longer for some than others and we will support them all individually.
We have been finishing off our literacy focus with some drama. This was mainly focused around “Goldilocks and the 3 bears”and “We are going on a bear hunt” Some of the children participated really well in these experiences, some preferred to watch and play rather than speak the parts. Staff were really pleased with the contribution that all children made. We have a fair few drama students in the making!

The children have also participated in some Mark Making and early writing experiences through powder paint mixing and mark making on the wallpaper. This was very popular with the children who enjoyed the science of mixing up the powder into paint and then exploring this with their hands and fingers. Some were writing letters and names in this.

Making our own book of Goldilocks was fun. We each did a page and then put the book together and read it to our friends. We talked about the Author, Illustrator and story.

Some of the Oak children have been participating in a variety of activities such as; Making a wall display of the bear hunt, going on a bear hunt adventure, they were also introduced to a variety of  describing words: Swishy squashy, thick oozy mud, long wavy grass. The children were role playing the characters from the story. They also drew and painted their favourite scene of the book.

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