W/B 6/3/23

Reading with puppets🦊🐍🦉🐭

The Gruffalo story sack was a great experience for the children to recite their puppets lines from the book. The children developed their turn taking skills waiting for their opportunities to talk and when to listen. This encouraged good language from the children to predict what might happen next, recite what happened previously and reflecting on what they liked/disliked📚

The smartest giant in town🧦👞👔🩲

We used shredded paper in the tuff tray and the children had all the clothing from the book to stuff/fill etc. We read to story together which 15/17 children all voted a thumbs up for enjoying it. A few children recognised that some of the words rhymed, such as dog/bog, house/mouse, socks/fox and town/gown/crown👑🥼🏘️.

Exploring snow🥶🌨️⛄️

The children were so excited to have snow and luckily this morning the nursery garden didn’t have much sun so there was plenty of snow still lying around. The children had snowball fights with each other as well as staff and some of the children found some fox prints from the smartest giant in town story and where they thought the fox might live🦊.

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