W/B 21/11/22

Exploring our emotions. The children could identify different emotions and talk about it and why they might feel that way. Some of the children even wanted to do some facial expressions matching that emotion.

Creating dinosaurs. The children were taking part in some risky play using scissors to cut objects to stick onto their dinosaur bodies.

Exploring sensory play using shaving foam. The children really enjoyed this activity using different tools to mark make with and they even used their hands/fingers to crate drawings or write with. This encouraged a lot of language amongst them talking about what they were making and discussing each other’s drawings or what they will do next.

Using our fine motor skills through some risky play. The children has shown great interest in using the kitchen utensils to learn how to cut up raw vegetables to put into their soup within the role play area. They were able to manage their safety and those around them by using the knives appropriately.

Developing our pre-writing skills. The children have been working on using pens/pencils to copy numbers/letters developing their skills furthering their learning to write their names and understanding the letters within them.

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