W/b 2/5/22

Understanding mathematical language, the children could identify the biggest, smallest and middle sized shapes.

Exploring our own caterpillars tubs, we have been noticing since getting the, that they have been growing so much. Some of us thought they were fat, spikey, long, bigger. “It looks like spiders webs” “I can see lots of jobbies” “They’re getting bigger”

Using tools around the garden to find bugs, insects and anything else living. We have been learning about the different species of bugs and where the live. We have been finding many in wet places  underneath things like logs 🐜🐛

Using our counting skills though 1-1 correspondence, we have been head counting our peers at welcome time. Some of us can count to above 20!!

After our search, we were lucky and were able to find some bugs. We found slugs, ladybirds and wild caterpillars.

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