W/B 19/04/22

our garden has now been opened up. The children have enjoyed mixing with other children from each playroom and exploring new resources.

We have been continuing our visits to the woods. We have been following rules to keep us safe, building dens and exploring nature by going on bug hunts šŸœ.


This week the morning children got a visit from 2 lambs.



Continuing to learn about scissor safety, how to hold and snip appropriately when using them within our play at the creative table.

Going woodland visits with Marion and our key worker. This is great fun learning g to build dens, finding materials outdoors, insects and even having snack outside too. This is great for encouraging childrenā€™s curiosity, problem solving and inquisitiveness.

Making most of the good weather we are having by having snack outdoors.

We have been finding insects especially lots of ladybirds in our outdoor area. We have been learning about them and how to gently handle them to ensure we donā€™t squash them. Since the children have shown such an interest we have decided to put this into out planning for the next month to learn about insects.

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