We have been re siting our golden rules, the children were demonstrating how to follow these rules.

Some of our Easter Bonnets, the children (and guardians😉) did so well by creating these. They were amazing and we had fun going out our Easter Bonney walks to show them off.

The children have been showing off their artistic skills, they have been painting the Daffodills in the pot in front of them. Some of the pieces have been framed in our room.

Decorating Easter eggs, we decorated them in the preparation to roll them down the hill on Friday. The children used a range of colours and stuck on different resources to stick onto them.

The Easter bunny came to the centre, he hid lots of chocolate eggs around our garden and the children all found one egg and then went and sat on the bench. The children on the bench who maybe seen some other hiding helped the children find them.

The Easter bunny was so kind to us and left us all an Easter egg to take home.

Making Chocolate nests, the children were all helping in crushing the shredded wheat, crushing up the mini eggs, adding in the melted chocolate and adding them all to cupcake cases.

The children were learning about hygiene and the importance of washing your hands before you come over the table and touch any of the food. Although it was difficult we spoke about not putting the spoons near our mouths either😂.

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