Classroom Assistant Training


The SAC Attainment Improvement Mentors (AIMs) have developed and delivered training sessions for Classroom Assistants throughout session 2019-20.  These sessions have focussed on supporting learners and interventions in relation to literacy and numeracy.

The AIMs team have created a series of training videos and resources linked to these sessions.  The following training videos and resources can be used by Classroom Assistants as a reference point or as a way of accessing the key messages delivered through the face-to-face inputs.  Session 1  will look at supporting literacy with session 2 focussing on supporting numeracy.  There is also guidance on how to use the East Ayrshire Numeracy Assessment Tool.

Session 1 – Supporting Attainment in Schools – Literacy

Click on the link below to play the video – Glow login required

Reciprocal Teaching Video link


Supported Reading Video link

Literacy Training Resources

Introduction to a new book video:





Session 2 – Supporting Attainment in Schools – Numeracy

Click on the link below to play the video – Glow login required

Number Talk Example P6


Numeracy Resources

‘How to….’ videos


Numeracy Assessment Tool guidance

EA Numeracy Assessment- Guidance and Resources


Session 3 – Supporting Numeracy across the Broad General Education Levels

The following training has been developed following feedback from training delivered in session 2.  This series of training for Classroom Assistants provides a specific focus on supporting children to develop key concepts in numeracy, the use of concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations to support understanding in numeracy and how the development of mathematical language improves understanding of numeracy and mathematics.

Session 3a – Supporting Early Level Numeracy

This presentation explores the use of mathematical language, concrete materials and supporting numeracy within Early Level with the use of concrete materials.

Counting Activities

Addition and Subtraction Activities

Pattern Activities

Information Handling Activities

Fractions Activities

Session 3b – Supporting First Level Place Value and Addition and Subtraction

This presentation covers place value and addition and subtraction at First Level and includes the correct use of mathematical language and key concepts and skills. It gives a detailed look at all addition and subtraction strategies and how concrete materials can be used to support pupils learning.

Place Value Activities – First Level

Addition and Subtraction Activities – First Level


Session 3c – Supporting First Level Multiplication, Division and Fractions

This presentation looks at the use of mathematical language, effective thinking questions and how the concrete manipulatives available within your school can be used to support our young peoples learning.

Multiplication and Division Activities – First and Second Level


Session 3d – Supporting Second Level Numeracy

This presentation explores how we can use concrete materials to support our young people. It gives examples of the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach at this level and the use of mathematical language to support learning.

First and Second Level Place Value Activities

First and Second Level Addition and Subtraction Activities

First and Second Level Multiplication, Division and Fractions Activities



Please take time to complete the following form.  Your evaluation will help shape future training inputs.



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