Author: Jacqueline Shaw

“Celebration of Scots Language”

January 2024

Happy New Year!  We hope you all had a lovely time over Christmas and New Year.

This term we will be having a Celebration of Scots Language” (February) and Primary 1 will be learning the poem “Mince and Tatties”. We would be very grateful if you could help your child to recite the poem at home. You could talk about the Scots words and see if you know what the poem is about.  Once you feel confident that you have learnt your poem why not have a go at getting someone at home to film or record you or you could recite your poem to you class.

Have fun Primary 1!

Mince and Tatties by J.K. Annand

I dinna like hail tatties
Pit on my plate o mince
For when I tak my denner
I eat them baith at yince.

Sae mash and mix the tatties
Wi mince into the mashin,
And sic a tasty denner
Will aye be voted ‘Smashin!’


Thank you for attending the P1 parents information session recently. Please find the PowerPoint below that was used during the session. This will provide you with information about our Literacy programme in NRPS.

P1 Parents intro to EA Literacy