All posts by Mrs Agnew

World of Work Week


Today we were so excited to welcome representatives from Vattenfall Windfarms and RJ McLeod who took time out of their day at South Kyle Windfarm to dial in to talk to our pupils about STEM careers and local opportunities.

Self expression!

This week we will be exploring the different ways in which we like to express ourselves.  Today we were exploring dance as a way to express ourselves – check out some of those P5 moves!


Today we were handling different information using a Carroll diagram.  We had to consider which 2 criteria we wanted to work with and these were our results :

In P5 we have been working Writer’s Craft – writing in the style of the author.  Here are our versions of “The Very Lazy Ladybird.”

I set the children a challenge today after sharing my poem “Tae a sausage” to write one verse of their own.


Congratulations to our Burns winners!

1st place goes to Amy Johnstone for her amazing recital of “Willie Wastle” by Rabbie Burns.

2nd place goes to Jorjie Morrow.

Runners up receiving the Bronze award are Quyn Ferrans, Bethany McGrath and Conlyn Barr.


Look at the fun we were having creating snow sculptures.



Happy new year everyone!

I hope that you have all had a lovely, safe and exciting holiday.

I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Mrs Agnew.


Our Sumdog superstars!

Rii Gault for coming in 26th place out of more than 1,000 students taking part in the competition.

Amy Johnstone coming in 41st place.

Shaun Ferguson for being top of our class leader board.

Congratulations P5.  We ended up at 5th place overall in EAC’s sumdog competition!  Well done for all your hard work.

A special mention to Rii Gault, who made the top 50 student leader board in 26th place with a score of 826.  Tremendous effort Rii.  You should be so proud of yourself.


East Ayrshire’s Sumdog Competition!!

It is starting tomorrow Friday 26th November from 8am.  Log on to support our school and have fun while building up your numeracy knowledge.  Good luck!


As part of our Anti bullying week P5 have created a “kindness” wordle:

We also designed our own “Kindness is…..” poster :

Yesterday we were working on placing numbers on a number line and estimating the numbers marked by the arrows.  We worked effectively with our learning buddies and discussed the difficulty in identifying numbers using a larger number range.

Well done to our winners – Skye and Mia!  Great effort girls.


Here are the runners up for P5, designed and created by Conlyn, Brooke and Ruaridh.  Well done for getting 2nd place!


As it is Road Safety week our JRSO have asked us to enter into a road safety poster competition.  Here is what we have been working on:

This is some of our art work for Remembrance Sunday.

We had lots of fun this afternoon with our spelling task using the “ee” phoneme.  The children were determined to identify and highlight all the words which have the “ee” phoneme in different representations and beat Mrs Agnew.  I’m afraid to say that they beat me hands down!  I don’t know how I managed to miss 4 words!!!!

On Thursday 4th November we were part of the VirtRural Careers conference.  We particularly enjoyed the segments on aquaculture, agriculture, animal care and equine.  We presented the speakers with many interesting questions.

Some great work being done on place value in numbers up to 7 digits.  We have been ordering, sequencing, comparing and identifying before and after numbers in our chosen number ranges.

Fabulous costumes in P5 today!  No clue how we are going to find a winner!!!


Remember, today is a dress up or dress down day – whichever you prefer.  There will be fun halloween activities and prizes for the best halloween costume and a special pumpkin prize for the best pumpkin art work.

In P5 we are working on place value in numbers up to 6 digit numbers.  Today we were making our numbers then recording and comparing them using the comparative symbols for ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’.

This week we have been learning about resilience – to bounce back from difficult situations and to be strong and in control of our feelings.  First, we identified all the factors which contribute to us feeling negative or emotional.  Then we tried to identify the thoughts we may form in these difficult situations.  And finally we looked at the feelings these thoughts and stress factors generate inside us.  This work will lead nicely into our PATHS lessons next week about the steps needed for helping us to calm down.

We are so excited to announce that we are hosting  a Halloween Fun day on Friday 29th October, supported by our Parent Council!

Pupils are encouraged to come to school dressed up in their Halloween costumes and enjoy games, competitions and treats in class.

Each class will be awarding a “best costume” prize, voted for by the pupils.  Prizes are being donated by the Parent Council.

There will also be a “Design a Pumpkin” competition with the winner from each class being gifted their VERY OWN PUMPKIN!

It’s going to be SPOOKTACULAR!



Today we made another game to help us learn our times tables.

We played a memory tables pairs game on the promethean board and decided that we could easily use our skills to create this game ourselves.  We made cards and worked with a partner taking turns to write tables facts and answers.

Story writing – recount

At the beginning of P5 we were working on descriptive writing using the description bubbles.  Now we are working on writing a recount – retelling an event or situation, in the order it happens and giving our personal views about it.  Here are a few examples of our writing about making our maths games last week.

Numeracy and Maths in P5

In maths we have been working on time – days of the week, months of the year and looking at the calendar and using a diary.  In numeracy we have been working on number bonds in the first few weeks of term and we are now moving on to learning our times tables.

Health & Wellbeing – PATHS

Today in P5 we were exploring our feelings.  We were amazed at the number of different feelings we gathered in our team task.  We then had some fun working with positive and negative feelings.  We acted out a feeling for our team mates to guess and we sorted these feelings into positive and negative and also into categories of easy or difficult to identify by expression and body language alone.  We could tell if a feeling was a positive feeling or a negative feeling but some were really difficult to identify exactly what they were.  I think I may have some budding actors and actresses in P5!

Welcome to our P5 Blog

A big hello from me, Mrs Agnew and a huge welcome back to all P5 pupils.  Everyone has settled into their new learning space really well.

We have been working on our listening and talking skills, our social skills and learning how to work well as part of a team.  We are also going to be looking into what makes an effective/successful learner and teacher – oh dear, I hope that they are going to be nice to me!

Next week we will be creating our class charter, using our knowledge of the rights of the child.  From this, hopefully we will be able to agree on manageable rules for our classroom and playground.

In this first term we are going to be doing a big push on increasing basic maths facts knowledge and the speed of recall.  You could be working on this at home, with some short bursts around the kitchen table, in the bath, in the car, out for a walk, during the tv ads or even at bed time.  Be looking at double numbers and near doubles, adding/subtracting a ten as well as number bonds to 10 and 20.

I am looking forward to the year ahead working with these amazing children, who have made me feel so welcome to New Cumnock PS.

Thank you.

Mrs Agnew.