Welcome to our P5 Blog

A big hello from me, Mrs Agnew and a huge welcome back to all P5 pupils.  Everyone has settled into their new learning space really well.

We have been working on our listening and talking skills, our social skills and learning how to work well as part of a team.  We are also going to be looking into what makes an effective/successful learner and teacher – oh dear, I hope that they are going to be nice to me!

Next week we will be creating our class charter, using our knowledge of the rights of the child.  From this, hopefully we will be able to agree on manageable rules for our classroom and playground.

In this first term we are going to be doing a big push on increasing basic maths facts knowledge and the speed of recall.  You could be working on this at home, with some short bursts around the kitchen table, in the bath, in the car, out for a walk, during the tv ads or even at bed time.  Be looking at double numbers and near doubles, adding/subtracting a ten as well as number bonds to 10 and 20.

I am looking forward to the year ahead working with these amazing children, who have made me feel so welcome to New Cumnock PS.

Thank you.

Mrs Agnew.

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