Term 3
We will…
- Continue to work on letter sounds in order to blend and read basic words with confidence.
- Transfer visual knowledge of letters and sounds into writing.
- Build knowledge of basic grammar: capital letters, plurals, sentence structure, nouns, adjectives, alphabetical order, adverbs.
- Build listening and talking skills.
- Practise the correct formation of letters and numbers.
Some of the things we will be learning…
- Practising number bonds within 10 and the 20 (addition & subtraction).
- Counting in 10’s, 5’s, 2’s & 100’s
- Identifying numbers within 100
- Identifying basic fractions halves & quarters
- Learning how to tell time – o’clock/half past
- Impact of Maths in the world
Health & Well-being
This is very much integrated into our daily routine through check-in, feelings and PATHS pupil of the day.
We specifically look at substance misuse, keeping safe, healthy food choices, food hygiene; then relationships, sexual health and parenthood in Term 4.
As well as this we have two session of Physical Education each week.
We will be learning about engineering, craft & design.
Social studies:
We will be learning about the needs and wants of people in society and the rights of the child.
As well as our core subjects we will be learning about Digital Technology, Craft & Design, Food & Textile Technology, Music, Drama, Art and Christian beliefs.
Art – painting