All posts by Mrs Armour

P1B – Wider Achievement

P1B have been really busy working on their Bronze Wider Achievement targets, and today we were delighted to receive our Bronze Awards! Well done everyone, we will now move on to our Silver targets, these targets will be set fortnightly. Please remember to check the Wider Achievement tab to se what our targets are.


P1B – What do we want to learn about?

We have been busy discussing what we would like to learn about in term 1. We had a big discussion where we shared our ideas of what we would like to learn about. We has LOTS of super ideas. We then had to vote for our favourite topic. It was really hard to choose!

The most popular topic was – CASTLES!

We then had a think about what we wanted to learn about castles, we asked lots of fantastic questions about castles and we will keep adding more questions as we learn. Mrs Armour is really impressed with all the questions asked so far!

P1B- Settling In!

P1B are settling in really well. We have been learning the routines of P1B and we have enjoyed exploring our new classroom, activity room and school. Our favourite room at the moment seems to be the computer suite, last week we enjoyed learning how to control the computer mouse, we used the paint software to help us draw pictures while learning to control the mouse.

Unfortunately Mrs Armour can’t post photos of us just yet but hopefully she will be soon once we have all the photo permissions received. We can’t wait to start sharing pictures with you!