Pirate Yoga

Happy Friday everyone.

Most of you know that as well as cows I absolutely love anything to do with Pirates. So much so that I have found some Pirate Yoga for us to chill out with on a Friday afternoon.

Yoga is brilliant for flexibility, strength, coordination and concentration. A good time to use Yoga is when we are feeling stressed or anxious as it can also help us control our breathing  and calm our mind.

Before you begin why not ask an adult in your house if they would like to do it with you. I bet they enjoy it even more than you do.


Mrs B x

East Ayrshire Council Health and Wellbeing Support


Here is the link to access the council’s support page which contains activities, ideas and advice to help during the Covid-19 lockdown. Don’t forget you can contact me confidentially anytime on 07934162412.

Tracey Bradford



James and the Giant Peach Episode 5…

Good morning everyone. It doesn’t seem as nice outside this morning so I am still indoors eating my breakfast. I hope you are all ready for Sport’s day tomorrow. I know it will be different from our normal Sport’s Day but we can all join in and do our best anyway. Good Luck to all the teams tomorrow, (especially Thistle), and for today sit back and enjoy another funny episode of James’ adventure. Mrs B x