
Happy Thursday everyone.

At Moo Club we use this all the time. Yesterday in the Hub we drew baby Yoda. Have a go yourselves. It’s really relaxing. Feel free to send me pictures of your finished drawings. Have fun…

Mrs B




How is everybody feeling today? I’m guessing as it’s Thursday we are having a wee slump. I’ve put on a little mindfulness link for you to try. Get comfy, find a cosy blanket, close your eyes and try to follow the instructions. Let me know if you enjoy it.See the source image

Mrs B x




Hi everyone. I hope you all stayed safe over the Easter Holidays. I’ll be adding some details on my page this week regarding where to access support during our lockdown. Please don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. We are all struggling in our own ways. You are welcome to self-refer in order to access most forms of support, however if you would like me to do it for you just let me know.  Don’t forget you can contact me for advice about anything. If I don’t have an answer I’ll find someone who does.
Children – I cant wait to hear what you have all been up to.
Mrs B misses you all very much xxx 

Take care and hope to see you all really soon.