During the past 18 months we have all faced many challenges – however the death of a loved one, a friend, someone we know or care for, can be the biggest challenge of all.
Our feelings of grief and loss can be intensified when we’re also dealing with constant changes in our lives. And although talking to family and friends can be one of the most helpful ways to cope with grief, we know many will need further support.
We can help
If you’ve been affected by a bereavement, we can offer you extra help to get you through this difficult time, with dedicated bereavement counsellors who will work with you for as long as you need them.
The counsellors will help you explore the most effective coping strategies. They will guide and support you throughout each stage of your grief in an empathetic and compassionate way.
If you’ve suffered a bereavement and wish to arrange free counselling sessions, please email healthy working lives.