Monthly Archives: May 2022

Family Literacy – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Good Morning everyone.

EAC Family Literacy Worker Leeanne McClymont would like to invite all P1 and P2 families to take part in an online Fun Family Literacy workshop. Her first story is   “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” If you would like to take part please email me and I will forward the pack to you. (I have added the link to access Leeanne’s letter below.)

Tracey Bradford

Home Link Practitioner

LEEANNE Letter template SURVEY

See the source image


Families Connect

Families Connect is an evidence based programme developed by Save the Children UK that supports parents/carers  to engage in their children’s learning. New Cumnock Primary School has been chosen to take part in the Scottish Government’s Pilot Study and will be delivering this weekly for 6 weeks with the first session taking place on Thursday 12th May. Families will receive excellent resources which they will be able to keep in order to connect and communicate with their child at home.
90 minutes, online, once a week, for 6 weeks. Is this manageable for you?
For further information or to request a place on the programme please contact…
Tracey Bradford
Home Link Practitioner
01290 338404